Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wonderful Dialogues Taking Place

Thank you for visiting our blog. Since the blog went live on Saturday, we have been humbled and blessed by the outpouring of support and love by our friends and even the strangers that have found us via this wonderful world wide web. Please know not all comments show up below as we moderate and approve them. We have heard from many believers in 'unengaged' places of the world and their comments can not be public for security reasons.
It is confirming that God is on the move in places that are closed to the gospel. How exciting is this! I am so humbled to serve an amazing God that loves the Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Tribal, and the unbelieving. People are being brought to Christ through visions and dreams in the 10/40 window. Tangible evidence for the gospel to be translated in their heart language, and for believers to go, and establish a body of believers (church) is happening right now.
I am also thankful for the dialogue that some believers have with us on the 'why' we would want to go or why we are going. I am so thankful that these folks stopped to ask us. I hope what we are doing is making other believers search scriptures, have conversations with God, wrestle with the reason and the need for us (or other believers) to go. It is my opinion that the past few generations have outsourced the Great Commission and that many churches have stopped being actively involved. So perhaps it is strange to some believers, that we would want to change 'careers in the middle of life and leave a comfortable life.' Also I wonder if other believers question privately- 'Why them?' We are not the social or spiritually elite at our church. We have not gone to seminary or hold religion degrees. We are sinners, big time, and truly unworthy to be used by the Lord. But I am so thankful that we do not have to have earthly credentials to be used by the Lord. We would be the least of these then. We have truly submitted to God, put our 'yes' on the table and allowed God to place us where He wants us. We are humbled to be part of His mission and to use our business skills, life skills and talents for Him, right now. It is not because of us, it is because of Him. Glory!
What Mike and I have gathered through loving conversations with questioning believers-'The Why's' is what I want to address through this video. It is by Penn Jillette, of Penn and Teller, the famous magicians. Penn is an atheist, and it is his take on believers that is fascinating.  What Penn saw when a man gave him a bible was Jesus, not religion. I hope you are able to take a moment to watch this 5 minute video. Perhaps what I lack in eloquent words can be understood by his video the 'why.' Thank you for stopping by. I pray that you may live out God's mission. May the goodness of our Lord show up in the unbeliever's life. May heaven come down on earth.


Anonymous said...

out of the mouths of babes...I mean atheist. still chewing on his analogies of the bus and you must really hate them. I have found that Christians have the hardest times supporting each other. May God Bless your work and what you are doing.- Tim K.- southwest Texas

The Bain Perspective said...

Anonymous said...
Thank you Tim. We have a wonderful body of believers that support us and we are grateful! I hope everyone gets what Penn says in the video. Both of those analogies are very powerful, especially coming from an atheist.- lesley

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