Hi! This post is brought to you by Lesley- the 'feel-er'
of the family. I want to apologize upfront for this post. The latter half of
this post is my feelings and I am 100% transparent, which is scary. But I am
‘Keepin’ it real.’ So here I go.
Fundraising isn't for wimps or the faint of heart.
It is an existential journey into the life of the believer. Since this is what
the last 6 months has been in our life, it has become an education to what
drives a believer and reveals other qualities as well. Fundraising is hard
because you now become the person to avoid in social circles with some people.
And that just stinks- from the person who thrives on social interaction. I
don't want to be that person. But more on that toward
the end of this entry...
When we began this journey, we delved into the realm of
fundraising education, reading books, talking with fundraising experts,
breathing in everything we could on the topic. One Fundraising movement out
there that we immersed ourselves in is the “God Ask,” Steve Shadrach (http://supportraisingsolutions.org/ ) Fundraising
Bootcamp Ministry. The underlying thread of the whole fundraising movement is
that all that God gives the Christian is under
His authority. It is not ‘our’ money, or possessions, or time, or talent, it is
God that has given to each of us for a specific reason- we are to
steward- to bless the nations. (see Gen.
12), and not necessarily for ourselves to squirrel away for our own
benefit. So when we ask other Christians in a very sound, biblical way to fund
‘God’s’ ministry, it is the Christian that prays and petitions the Lord for how
the Lord wants His money spent. (1 Chronicles 29:14).
This is indeed freeing for us. When a believer comes back
with, ‘we prayed about this for days, and God has told us ‘no’ or ‘yes’ For us,
it is a God answer. And it takes any emotion out of it for us, emphasizing God’s
will and taking any personal feelings of rejection out of it. A social person's
We have seen God’s people sacrificially give of their
time, their selves and their resources to our local church, fellow
missionaries and to us. Oh, to have more Christians pray over bonuses,
income revenue, and their paychecks for GOD’s Mission – for HIM! I
have seen selfless- sacrificing Christians go halfway around the world on their
vacation, come back with malaria, just to encourage a missionary that is
reaching a lost people group and to help build a school for HIM. And it is
humbling, God-inspiring, and Awesome! There are people out there willing to
give till it hurts for God’s mission and I am grateful for THIS body of Christ.
I have seen these Christ followers give to the point that it hurts, and there
is a sacrifice to GOD and it is glorious, and a
beautiful fragrant offering!- But for every Christ follower that
lives in such tune with God’s heart, is the encounter with the Christ
follower who doesn't get it. Some that grew up in churches that
outsourced the Great Commission and separated missions into a category instead
of living a Christ lifestyle that the New Testament speaks of, and it breaks my
heart. I am keeping it real.
The gap between the New Testament Christian and many
today’s Christian are miles apart. We live in one of the most affluent areas in
the world, surrounded by comforts of any kind. If we are in pain, there is a
cure. If we need to fix a discomfort, we can get it now. And Satan has done the
best job inoculating us from ever stepping outside this comfort zone- to even
seek Him in prayer to find out what God wants and leave the comfortable. One of
the best lines in the movie, “God’s Not Dead,” (although there were many) - was
this one:
Mina's Mother: Sometimes
the devil allows people to live a life free of trouble because he doesn't want
them turning to God. Their sin is like a jail cell, except it is all nice and
comfy and there doesn't seem to be any reason to leave. The door's wide open.
Till one day, time runs out, and the cell door slams shut, and suddenly it's
too late.
The last observation I have is what I call the" Duck
and Run" that has affected us, (well, me really) personally- that we have
witnessed and felt. Recently, we saw a couple that we really love and
fellowship with, out in the community. She didn't think I saw
her, but as soon as she spotted us, she grabbed her husband’s arm and literally ran around the corner,
away from us- intentionally. This is the same couple that cancelled a meeting
to hear what God is doing in our lives, won’t answer phone calls or return
emails. Seriously people, it is okay to say no! But it is hurtful to
dodge us like we have the plague. We truly
believe God has a plan for HIS money and HE will guide those to give- but pray
about it. It is between you and the Lord. We don’t want you meeting, or giving
if it is not the Lord’s will, but I have a feeling that when people run, dodge
and avoid, they have not consulted God and felt the peace of saying ‘no.’ Just
say 'No,' but don't run for cover- that is the part that hurts. Especially to
this 'feel-er' and social creature. And that is a hard lesson to learn with fundraising for God's Mission in our lives.
While that was about the ‘no,’ we have been blessed beyond
belief with those that sought out God in prayer and have said ‘YES.’ I know
that God is alive and working in our fundraising time as we are almost funded-
(We do need a few more partnerships) -this is a
season in my life. Soon we will be on the mission field doing God’s work
that He called us to do. As of right now we have been concentrating on raising
funds which is the first step to getting to the field. But fundraising will
always be an issue- just like in the New Testament- that we have to pray about,
be active in, and is the sustaining force of God’s ministry in our lives. So it
is not over- But please know there is freedom for both parties when God says,
'No,' or says 'Yes.' Thanks for sticking with me in this very long, transparent
I want to leave you with this. It is an article by John
Zumwalt who is a missionary. He has been on the field for most of his life. It
is a good article so read it. I am praying for you. That all you have- is of
the Lord’s and that you pray and ask God what you are to do with it today for
HIS Kingdom and Glory and that we obey God in giving sacrificially to HIM where
He leads, whatever that may be.